Friday, February 24, 2017

When we shared our sketches with our small group, I received several comments that helped me improve my design. One comment that I got on the word "Curious" was that the design would look better if it was more readable. Initially with the word curious, I wanted to make a design that included several fonts, different spacing, and different font sizes. This was because I wanted it to make it look like someone curious made the design trying out different things. However, when I got this feedback I adapted my design to the feedback more. With the word pessimistic, my peers said that my design totally fit the description of the word, so I made it look cleaner keeping the same design. 

I attempted to creatively create my designs in several different ways until I came up with my final designs. As I explained earlier for the Curious word design, I tried to make it look like a curious person had created the word. This was because of all the fonts used, the spacing between the letters, and the font size. The difference in all of these made it look like someone was curiously experiencing with different fonts, spacing, and size to create one word. With the design of the word Pessimistic, I had a clear idea of what I was going to do to make the design look pessimistic. I went online and researched a well explained definition of pessimistic. Someone who is pessimistic has little hope and bad thoughts about everything. For this design, I started out using a large font and as you read the word the letters got smaller trying to express little hope.

For this project, the I used one tool for each design, that was key to the success of each design that I completed. For the Curious word design, the tool that helped me the most, and was the most important for the success of the design was the pen tool. This was because with the pen tool I could create perfectly strait lines to create the letters, that no other tool on Illustrator can create. Furthermore, the pen tool helped me create very clean lines, and adjust the thickness of them to make the design more readable and amusing to the human eye. I think the design of the word Curious was very successful because I achieved the goal of making the word look Curious while at the same time have the design be pleasant to look at. For the Pessimistic word design I thought that it would fit the word a lot more if it was hand made. So what I did is I used the brush tool because with it I could create the design as if I was drawing it myself. This tool was definitely the most useful and helpful when creating this design because it allowed me to create the "Pessimistic" look that the word needed to feel Pessimistic. I think this design was also very successful because yet again I achieved my goal of "hand drawing" the word on illustrator to make the word look more Pessimistic. Overall, I really enjoyed this project because it made us the students think outside of the box to create a word design that will make it feel like the word itself.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The designer I researched, Joshua Brewer, has worked for twitter, and has created successful designs like the one below. This piece uses a Gestalt theory that in my opinion is the most effective one in any piece of design. This piece uses continuation because the branch is leading the viewers eye to the important information that the designer is trying to show. Continuation is when the human eye is drawn along a path, line or curve. This is very effective because it leads the human eye towards important messages that are trying to be sent by the designer. I believe this design by Joshua Brewer is very effective and successful because it appropriately utilizes the continuation method to create an effective and appealing design. This design also sort of includes some similarity because the circular shapes with the images inside of them, are all the same except for the image inside of them. The colors in the font also are very similar, meaning that similarity is also used here. Overall this design uses two of Gestalt theories in order to create a very successful graphic design.

A very common design that I know and like that follows a Gestalt principle is the Nike logo. The Nike logo uses the continuation Gestalt principle in my opinion, because you start looking at the top and your eye is drawn through the path of the Nike "swoosh". Obviously this logo is very commonly known and liked. I think the fact that continuation is used is the main reason for why the Nike symbol is popular and effective.